When you create a new card, or go to an existing card, the first field (Name) will be highlighted. Use the Tab key to move between fields.
-- part contents for card part 16
----- text -----
Entering Information:
The Name is used on cards that this card is linked to. Thus, it's probably a good idea to remove links to this card before changing the name.
The Birth and Death Dates and Places are just text fields. It would have been nice to always convert dates to long format (Monday, October 12, 1987), but the Macintosh can only handle dates in that format back to January 1, 1904.
By clicking on the word 'Died', you change it to 'Alive as of'.
-- part contents for card part 25
----- text -----
The Notes field can store any information you wish. It is a scrollable field, so information can be as long as needed.
As a suggestion, start paragraphs of information with a topic, like
"Occupation:" or "Cause of Death:"; always ending with a colon. End each item with a carriage return. This may make information easier to transfer to formats such as the LDS Genealogy format (available in a later version).
-- part contents for card part 26
----- text -----
Sorts cards by last word of last name. This is not always useful, for instance 'Victor Von Doom', if Von is not Vic's middle name.
-- part contents for card part 27
----- text -----
Flashes ALL cards, one at a time, across the screen. Stop them with command-"."
-- part contents for card part 28
----- text -----
Creates a new People card.
-- part contents for card part 29
----- text -----
Deletes this card, it the person does not have parents or spouses. Please delete the links from the Relation cards.
-- part contents for card part 30
----- text -----
This button only appears when linking a card back to a relation.
Clicking here will link this card back to the correct Relation card (parents or spouse).
-- part contents for card part 33
----- text -----
If this person already has parents, this button moves you to that card. Otherwise, it asks you if you wish to start a new link to this card's parents.
-- part contents for card part 35
----- text -----
Properly, this should say 'To Spouse', but people aren't always married. Of course they don't always have children either, but...
If this person already is married, this button moves you to that card, and prompts you for which spouse if there is more than one.
Otherwise, it asks you if you wish to start a new link to this card's first spouse.